Health & Safety Information


A CCTV system is in operation at ICD for the purposes of security and safety of all staff and students.

First Aid

We have staff who are trained in first aid to assist students who may become unwell. In the interest of health and safety, never place personal belongings (e.g. school bags) in corridors, stairways, or communal areas in locations that might cause someone to trip or have their exit impeded if they are evacuating the building (e.g. behind doors). Never bring drinks or liquids near electrical devices (e.g. computers) as this could cause electric shock or fire.


There is a defibrillator at the ICD Reception. A defibrillator is also known as an automatic external defibrillator (AED). It is used to administer an electric shock to a person who is having a cardiac arrest. Various staff have been trained in how to operate the defibrillator and administer CPR.


ICD Business School is a no smoking campus. E-cigarettes or vaping are not allowed at ICD.

Fire Safety

You will be notified of fire safety procedures during your time at ICD on a regular basis. We have at least one fire drill each semester, so all building users can familiarise themselves with evacuation procedures. If you see a fire, trigger the nearest fire alarm and evacuate the building. Fire evacuation, if required, will begin when you hear the fire alarm. If this occurs:

  • please stop what you are doing,
  • do not take time to gather possessions as this will slow you down
  • evacuate the building immediately making use of fire exits or external doors (whichever is nearest)
  • cooperate with fire wardens
  • please evacuate in an orderly manner. Do not run or push other people who are evacuating.
  • Do not use the lift/elevator. Always use the stairs in the event of a fire alarm
  • Close all doors if you are the last person to leave a room
  • If you cannot get out through one route/door, use other alternative routes to exit
  • Assist those who have difficulties with mobility
  • Report to the designated fire assembly point and advise a fire warden or staff member if you are aware of anybody who is having difficulties leaving the building
  • Do not return to the premises unless you are instructed by a staff member or fire warden that it is safe to do so
  • Do not return to the building while the fire alarm is sounding

Fire Safety Procedures for Disabled Persons or Persons with Temporary or Permanent Mobility Impairment

If you have any disabilities or mobility impairments of any kind, please contact the Student Services and Administration office for a personal emergency evacuation plan tailored to your specific needs. You can make contact at any time, but we strongly advise that you contact the office about this issue immediately upon becoming a member (staff or student) or visitor to ICD. Any information you provide about yourself in this regard will be kept in the strictest confidence to ensure your privacy.

Fire Prevention

We should all follow these principles to prevent fire:

  • Do not use adapter plugs for electronic devices
  • Do not place belongings on or beside a heater
  • Inform a staff member if you notice a fire safety concern
  • Do not tamper with heating appliances
  • If you notice any potential dangers with any appliance, inform a staff member
  • Do not bring combustible goods/equipment on the premises (e.g. fuels, pressurised cans)
  • All litter must be placed in the bins provided

Fire Fighting Equipment

There is fire fighting equipment (fire hoses and fire extinguishers) on every floor of the building. However, if you see a fire, trigger the nearest fire alarm and evacuate the building. Fire fighting equipment is only to be used by trained members of staff. If you notice any problems or tampering evidence on/to fire fighting equipment or fire alarms, you must inform a member of staff.

For more information, please take a look at our student handbook: See Student Handbook